25 Mar 2014

SAM-6. Rusty a bit.

Hi chaps!
Sorry for long delay. All you heard about last events in Ukraine obviously. So I had no ardour to build models in these several months.

So, SAM-6 was build and painted in long term weathering manner.
I used method of painting described by Kyle Nelson here. Very interesting technique. 

The major problem was to assembly the tracks. They were finished after a third attempt! And the result not that I expected however... 

The model was painted applying several layers of paint. 

The lower part of the model first layer is the mix of Mr. Colour #8 (Silver) with black gloss paint (3 parts silver and 1 part black). Rear deck and upper part of the model got layer of silver paint with white in the same proportion. 

Once the paint dried I applied on the surface couple layers of hairspray and let it dry too. 
On the next stage (most fun for me) I used pigments by "Ho-Ma". The cheapest pigments I ever saw (1.50 $ for 16ml) and they are NOT worse than top brands! :)

The next was applied layer of Tamiya XF-49 paint and the last -  main green was mix of XF-13 with XF-49.

Next two evenings I spend with model knife, hard brush and water. 

Have fun!


  1. You've got another winner here, Oleg! Fantastic work on the rust and chipping. How you kept all the tiny details and photo-etch from falling off when you chipped the paint is miraculous. Bravo!

  2. Thanks Kyle! You're always support me. And this is inspire me to make more extreme stuff.
